May 6th, 2010
CATCHPlus enables wider use of GTAA Thesaurus

Techniques developed in CATCHPlus, allowed the Gemeenschappelijke Thesaurus Audiovisuele Archieven (GTAA) Thesaurus, used and managed by the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, to become available for multiple institutions. The GTAA was developed in collaboration with EYE (the former Filmmuseum), in order to make audiovisual material as accessible as possible for a wide audience. The National Archive chose to use the GTAA to describe its photo collection, because of the wide applicability and technical opportunities the system offers. The National Archive can add keywords to the GTAA as well. The management of the thesaurus will remain at the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision. By using a common thesaurus, findability of objects in different collections is improved greatly. By using Linked Data principles, connections can be made between terms in GTAA and other information resources such as Wikipedia and newspaper databases. The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision and the National Archive started a unique, five year collaboration concerning the use of the GTAA. In the future, other institutions will be able to use the GTAA for their audiovisual collections as well. The GTAA is offered with an Open Database License, a license used worldwide that, under certain conditions, allows use of (part of) the database.