Catchplus > Projects > Common services > Annotation Repository > Users

The Open Annotation Server (OAS) is an annotation server that fully supports the OAC phase II and W3C Open Annotation Core models. Supported functionality includes upload/ingest of (batches of) Open Annotations (embedded in RDF), efficient queries on Dublin Core properties and all of the OA(C) core classes and properties, exchange of sets of annotations using the OAI-PMH protocol, a SPARQL endpoint, web publication of annotations according to linked data principles, including a built-in resolver (e.g. returns an RDF/XML representation of an annotation). Annotations are served complying to the OA(C) model and have all associated information inlined. The OAS has a simple interactive Dashboard for management of users, annotation sets and OAI-PMH harvesting jobs.

The OAS is implemented on basis of an industry quality software component suite (Meresco) that provides functionality for SRU/Update, SRU/CQL, OAI-PMH data providing and harvesting and efficient indexing modules for efficient search. The internals of OAS include an RDF Store (OWLIM) and Apache SOLR for fast and scalable text search.

OAS is easily installable and configurable. A ‘one click installable package’ can be found here. Sources are available on Github. Version 1.1.2 is the latest stable release that supports the OAC Phase II core model, version 1.2-beta supports the more recent W3C Open Annotation Core Model.

An operational instance can be found and tested at

OAS is thoroughly tested and applied to fairly complicated annotation cases for  CODA, one of the OAC Phase II experiments made possible by funding form Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Contact information
Meertens Instituut (Hennie Brugman)
For further development, please visit GitHub or contact Seecr.